Created (Book 1 of the Created) Read online

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  The GPS mapping function was useless as the brightly flashing dot indicated I was at my destination. The house the indicator had denoted was off by ten digits. Instead of pulling into her driveway or the curb along the front of her house, I found myself searching the houses on my left. Tooling down the street until finding the numbers that matched those that Darby had sent me, I was grateful to see that house brightly lit and a couple of cars in the driveway. A large metal portable shipping container also adorned the driveway forcing the two vehicles, a white sedan and silver SUV, to be stacked one behind the other. The driveway obviously full, I took to parking along the curb.

  Signs of life could be seen within the home through the front window which was devoid of any window treatments and the opening of the front door which was protected by a glass door. A few stray boxes sat empty on the narrow porch as well as in the living room. The inhabitants maneuvered around the boxes holding plates of food and drinks.

  From my vantage point, I could see Sunnie and her entire family. There was a total of five in all gathered on the couches sitting amongst the unpacking.

  "At least they are all alive," I said to myself as I issued a sigh of relief while peering through the darkness in search of the GV6.

  The GV6 hunter could be hiding anywhere. The beast was made to the specification to complete one single action of proficiency. GV6s were another generation along the expanse of created vampires in an attempt to get as close to a perfect killing machine and information gatherer that could mimic humans as closely as possible. The Hunter model GV6 was ancestrally the same lineage as the regular GV6, but there was a divergence according to the Farm field guide I was issued. The Hunter was engineered to possess the same mental faculties of its brethren while allowing for greater speed, strength, tracking ability and stealth. The Hunter also possessed an innate ability to become larger and more vicious after consuming live blood. This was a temporary state of which the vampire resembled less like the human kind for which it was designed to kill.

  Waiting in the car was a wasted effort of protection if the GV6 were to enter the home through a rear window or another means that was not to my purview. The Hunter could have the family murdered before I smelt the blood flowing from the wounds. A vision of Sunnie sprawled across the leather couch in the living room, and the GV6 feasting upon her freshly ripped open throat, flashed before my eyes. Bolting from the car with the image still dissipating before my eyes, I crossed the yard in two large strides. I was about to leap up to the top of the steps when I paused. A stray thought bumped the images of her demise from my mind - the thought of meeting her parents.

  Chapter 37

  Sunnie's dad without looking away from the television dryly said, "We didn't order pizza, he is too young for you Emeline, too old for Mandy so he must be here for Sunnie. Sunnie get the door."

  Her head inched in the direction of the door as she ate a bite from a slice of pepperoni pizza. She looked as if she would choke when she realized it was me standing behind the glass storm door. All three females: her mom, Emeline, younger sister, Mandy and Sunnie looked at one another then smiled before a giggle escaped Mandy. The dad and younger brother continued watching the show on television.

  Sunnie sat her plate down on the end table beside her as she rose to come to the door. The smell of her blood made me woozy as she neared the door. The other females in the room emitted the same telltale honeysuckle odor. I wasn't sure how well I would do confined to her home for an indefinite amount of time surrounded by that temptation.

  Seeing her less made up than at school me only want her more. No makeup or eyeliner, barefooted with a pair of grey shorts and an old faded t-shirt that was too large. Her hair pulled back by a headband, Sunnie was radiant. She appeared shocked that I was standing upon her porch without an announcement. The shock changed to a sheepish smile as she opened the door to step out to greet me.

  I stopped her by pulling the door the rest of the way open. "Do you mind if I come in?"

  Sunnie was startled by my request, but did not say no as I stepped across the threshold. We inadvertently bumped into each other as I hurriedly entered. Pausing, I looked down at her tiny face. Momentarily, I found myself lost in her sparkling eyes. She smiled a sly grin of approval at me before the clearing of a feminine throat drew our attention.

  Stepping deeper into the living room, Sunnie took my hand as she began to introduce me to her family. "Ethan, this is my mom Emeline."

  Her mom was a brunette version of Sunnie. It was very evident behind the graying hair and a few wrinkles that she had been as pretty as her eldest daughter when she was younger. Time had taken away a few of the finer parts of her youth, but she was still a very attractive woman.

  "How do you do?" I shook her hand lightly.

  "It is so great to meet you Ethan. Please have a seat," Emeline said as she motioned to an empty spot between where Sunnie had been originally sitting and where she, Emeline, was currently seated.

  I did as requested. Being inside the home, I had a better opportunity to protect her and her family so instantly I scanned my surroundings.

  Her dad was still absorbed with the science fiction show that was blaring on the television.

  "The rest of my family consists of my sister Mandy, who is in the ninth grade, my brother Cassidy, who is in the eighth grade, and Mr. Personality, my dad, Bruce."

  Cassidy turned to study me then when back to shoveling pizza into his face as he watched television. Bruce was about as emotional. The only acknowledgement he gave was a slightly raised hand as he said, "Hi."

  He followed the example his son had set and returned to his show and his pizza. Mandy was another story. The girl was blonde and looked like her dad, who was tall and wirily. Mandy was already much taller than Sunnie and wore her hair pulled back in a ponytail. She sat opposite of me on the smaller couch undoubtedly enamored with me for whatever reason.

  The room was silent except the sound of the television. I keep my eyes straight ahead with my senses on alert for the presence of the GV6. In the corner of my vision, I would occasionally catch Sunnie peeking at me and beaming. Her hand inched closer to mine. When it almost touched my hand, I placed both of mine in my lap.

  Emeline finally broke the silence, "Sunnie has told us about a little about you Ethan. We appreciate the fact that you came to her honor against that asshole in the lunchroom. Don't we appreciate it Bruce?"

  Bruce grumbled, "Yeah ahem. Yeah we do."

  "You are very welcome. I was just doing what I thought was right. Your home is very nice Mrs. Vass. Do you mind if I use your bathroom?" I stammered up, rising from my seat as Sunnie brushed her finger tips against my leg.

  I had to get a better sense of the home and escape any questions that at least the mother was going to ask. I couldn't take the questions or at least not right now.

  "There are so many boxes in the way of getting into the hallway bathroom. Sunnie, show him to your bathroom."

  She had a deer in the headlights look upon her face at the suggestion. "Be right back!" Sunnie ran from the room jumping over boxes twice and down a hallway that was shrouded in darkness.

  I felt myself start to lunge in the direction to which she had disappeared. Instead, I held fast to my position smiling at Mandy, who tried not to return my smile, but a smile would peek out then be extinguished then she would look away then the process would start over. She was as obviously uncomfortable as I was, but for different reasons. I was hopeful that I could detect the presence of an approaching assassin. A minute ticked away as I stood before the family in all of my glory.

  Another minute eased away before Sunnie poked her head around the corner from the suddenly lit hallway and motioned to me. "Ethan."

  Not sure if anything needed to be said, I stepped over Cassidy, walked around the boxes and progressed down the hallway after her and waited. She stopped at a doorway at the very end of the hallway. It was hard to tell the format of the other rooms since the doors were all shut
. The lightly colored walls made the recently repainted doors stand out vividly. The decorative door handles were also new and appeared to more about substance than usage.

  I walked toward Sunnie, who had a sly grin emblazoned across her face. She opened the door, and I followed her inside her bedroom. The room was decorated with piles of clothes and opened boxes in various states of unpacking. There was a bed in the room though it was covered to such an extent with items of clothing and purses that it was hard to determine the last time it had been occupied.

  I thought she would apologize about the mess. There was no apology. Sunnie instead turned into me, grabbing my head. Her small, wanting mouth found mine. The kisses were a series of quick pecks at first which carried us to a long, dangerous, singular kiss. The final kiss was filled with wetness and desire. Sunnie's tongue parted my accepting mouth as I ran my hands under the back of her shirt, finding the silky smoothness of the skin of her lower back then lightly inside the top of her panties. She moaned softly then roughly sought more from my mouth. As the passion increased, her hands tugged at the front of my T-shirt along the top of my pants tentatively. Speared on by our embrace, Sunnie traced her fingers along my lower abs. Her pulse quickened. My hands searched deeper inside her panties, no longer confining myself to the painful teasing along the top. I caressed her closer with one hand while gently rubbing her behind with the other. There was a slow burning desire inside of me to taste her blood that grew in intensity as we continued. There were moments when the vampire in me wanted to take over. Her smell filled my nostrils. Desire became danger. I was becoming as much of a threat as the GV6 if I didn't stop. I pulled her closer to me for a second then broke the kiss. Why were we so into each other?

  Her eyes were searching me for the reason for why we stopped. There were too many things that could go wrong with us being alone besides me giving into any countless temptations that were running through my mind. I whispered, "We must be smart. If we are gone too long, and I think we have, your parents will begin to worry. We would like to get to see each other again, right?"

  She wiped her face and mouth. "Yeah." Frustrated, Sunnie walked away to the mirror then smoothed her hair down with her hands before attempting to discretely adjust her shorts and panties. "The bathroom is through that door. I probably need to get back to the living room before they send out the search party."

  We both laughed. I waited until she left to exhale a deeply held breath. With her gone I checked the locks on the windows then the darkness outside. The surrounding shadows were devoid of any sign of my new adversary. Unsure of what to do next, I made my way back to the living room.

  Hours passed as we all became comfortable with each other though, some things did not change. I avoided all questions about my life even though I had become well versed in the deception. There was a longing inside of me not to lie to Sunnie, so I opted to not put myself in a situation where I had to be untruthful. Emeline was polite and repeatedly offered to get me food and drink. Mandy was still the Mandy I had met earlier. She stared at me and remained quiet.

  Cassidy watched television while lying in the floor along with his dad who had joined him there. Bruce was living up to his moniker of being Mr. Personality. One or the other would occasionally pass gas without regard to the rest of the room, much to the chagrin of the women who voiced their protests. One particularly putrid fart caused me to join the chorus of complaints which left everybody laughing.

  Time zoomed past. Soon, I would have to make a decision about how to proceed since it was getting late. I could be asked to leave at any second. When that happened, I could either reveal my secret and scare them to death and insure that Sunnie never talked to me again. Worse would be the possibly that I would have to end up killing the family to protect the identities of my group and the generations. Then there was the outside chance that Chadron or the U.S. might take the family out. All of the scenarios that ended in death for the people surrounding me made the current attempt to save them moot.

  Thoughts of what if and what was happening on the base were driven from my mind. I didn't have time to worry about anything, but the preservation of the lives around me.

  I didn't have time to think anymore as the room went black.

  Bruce sat up from the floor and looked outside. I joined him as we both scanned the neighborhood for any signs of light. The street lamps were fully aglow and several nearby houses could be seen with lights and other devices in use.

  He started to rise as did Emeline who hopped from the couch. She offered. "I will see if I can find us some candles. I believe they are in the kitchen somewhere. Mandy, do you still have that app on your phone dear that allows you to use it like a flashlight?"

  Mandy answered, "Uh, yeah. I had deleted it, but I think I reinstalled another one." She fumbled to locate the phone that had been on the couch with her. The screen's glow betrayed its location as an incoming text arrived.

  Bruce was standing looking out at the street. "It could be a fuse I guess. Emeline, when you get the candles, see if the flashlights are still packed too. I will go out to the garage and see what I can figure out. Ethan is that your car outside by the curb?"

  "It belongs to a member of the family," I replied. I had been almost too distracted to answer since I was on full alert. The power loss was no accident or blown fuse. The Hunter had arrived.

  "It sure is a beautiful car. What size motor?" Bruce asked.

  "Uh...I am not sure. Wait, 396." My confusion was a symptom of my being aware that the family was being stalked.

  "I had a model from the late seventies, but nothing as cherry as that ride." Bruce was finally opening up.

  Emeline had joined Bruce at the window to admire the car while awaiting Mandy to finish texting. She turned to Mandy. "I guess I will have to stumble through the kitchen in the dark."

  The younger teenager relented. "Sorry, I had to text someone back." Mandy moved toward the kitchen shining the flashlight app on her phone with Emeline in tow in order to find candles and flashlights.

  A subtle succession of two thumps on the roof alerted Ethan it might be time to formulate a way of trying to escape. If he grabbed Sunnie and fled, the GV6 would surely pursue. There was no way the Hunter could match his speed, but what if the GV6 attacked the family then gave chase. The carnage and murder could spread indefinitely as the vampire sought his prey. No, it was time to make a stand. It was time for the vampire to stop being the destroyer for which he was purposed and become the hero.

  There was a light scattered scratching noise coming from something upon the shingles. The entire family paused to listen.

  "Everybody needs to move to the center of the room. Do it now please and hopefully you all will survive the night, "I commanded.

  The family started to protest, but fell silent when I raised my hands to gesture for everybody to circle up near me after the noise shifted to another part of the house near Sunnie's bedroom.

  Bruce grew belligerent, yet he did so in a voice little more than a murmur as he spun me to face him. Two inches apart, we stood nose to nose. The scared father placed himself between his huddled family and me. "Ethan I don't know who the hell you are or do I give a fuck. All I want to know is what the goddamn hell is happening."

  "There is a corporate designed creation currently walking along your roof trying to find the most advantageous time and means of which to attack. It is called the Hunter. He will not stop until the Vass family is dead," I calmly said as my senses scanned the movements of the GV6, who was stunningly still. It was as if the vampire was listening to what I had to say, but I knew it was only the assassin searching for signs of weakness or escape.

  Emeline huddled together with her children. The gravity of situation caused her to buckle, pulling the three children with her to the floor. Sunnie held her mother as the lady began to gently sob. I looked into her sad, scared eyes and knew that at all costs I had to protect this family.

  Bruce grabbed my shirt with both hands in ange
r as he tried to find out what was threatening his family. He did his best to control his voice level. "How do you know what is happening here Ethan?!"

  It was time for a lie. "I know because we have had to deal with the creatures on the base a few times. I was informed by a friend that one the beasts had escaped while training. One of the trainers had used my shirt. The Hunters use genetically enhanced senses. Unfortunately for your family, it had been around my clothes that smelled like Sunnie. Now it will not stop until its mission is completed."

  He was stunned at my answer as evidenced through his rambling comments. "What can I do? Ethan, lock the door. Where is the dog? We need to call the police. We could shout for help maybe a neighbor could...Shit, my guns are in the safe in the garage."

  Bruce looked down at his family then started stumbling as his mind reeled toward the hallway that must have led to an entrance to the garage. I reached for his arm and held him in place. There was fear in his eyes as he looked from his arm to my face. There was a sudden recognition that I was exceptionally strong. Stronger than anything than he had felt was the omission that spread across his face. Bruce realized there was more to the terror than I had explained. He swallowed hard and began to sweat profusely.

  "The police would never get here in time and it would be more lambs for the slaughter. Alerting the neighbors would be alerting them to their own death. Bruce, you need to stay with your family. It is waiting for us to make a mistake. One of us tries to flee or is separated, that person will be the first to die. We need to wait for it to make the mistake. The Hunter needs to come inside to us, not us to it."

  His pulse was racing harder than it needed. He was on the verge of collapse. I let go of his arm and he took his place with his family at my behest. He got down on his knees beside Mandy and Cassidy, wrapping his arms around them as they shivered with fear. Bruce consoled his family, but it was as much for him as it was for them.